“SEONAM oriental academic works” series

The world is watching at Asia, especially East Asia with great interest in the recent years. However, the need for interest and research on Asian studies, which are very fundamental for Koreans, were neglected until now. Moonji Publications materialized this concern into “Seonam Oriental Academic Works” series and Seonam Reference for Asian Studies series with the support of Seonam Foundation.

East Asia, Problems and Vision, Written by Moon Gil Joung, Won-Shik Choe, Young-Sou Baek, Hyoung-Joon Joun, 1995

The Tradition and the Change of East Asia, written by Byoung-Ik Go, 1996

The Aspect and Transition of Oral Tradition Epic Poetry of East Asia, written by Dong-Il Jo, 1996

Recognition of “Asia” for the East Asian People: 19th-20th Century, written by Won-Shik Choe, Young-Suh Baek and others, 1997

Chinese Historical Geography, written by Jae-Houn Ryoo, 1999

Industrialization and Democratization of East Asia, written by Gwang-Young Shin, 1999

Two Faces of the Modern Japan: Nishida Philosophy, written by Woo-Soung Huh, 2000

Imperialism of the USA: Ordeal and Resistance of the Filipinos, written by Oh-Shin Gwon, 2000

The Sky World of the Ancient Chinese, written by Moon-Gyoo Yi, 2000

The Discovery of East Asia, written by Moon-Gil Joung, Won-Shik Choe, Young-Suh Baek, Hyoung-Joon Joun, 2000

Modern Chinese Literature and Modernity Ideology, written by Jin-Bae Joung, 2001

Buddhist Ceremony of the Middle Age Korea: Philosophical Background and the Historical Meaning, written by Jong-Myoung Kim, 2001

The Workers of China and the Labor Policy: “Disorganization of the Unit System”, written by Seoung-Wook Baek, 2001

The Clash of World Views and the History of Korea-Japan Diplomacy, 1866~1882, written by Yong-Goo Kim, 2001

Economic Fluctuation of a Colony: Korea and India, written by Sub Pak, 2001

The Marriage of Letter and Novel: Reorganization of Novel Theories of Modern China, written by Bo-Gyoung Kim, 2002

Oriental view for the World and Modernization Theory: Focusing on Yang Gyae Cho, written by Hye-Gyoung Yi, 2002

The History of Korean Apple, The Origin and the Development, written by Ho-Choul Yi, 2002

The Myths of Japan, written by Hwa-Gyoung Kim, 2002

East Asia Seen from the Outskirts, written by Moon-Gil Joung, Won-Shik Choe, Young-Suh Baek, Hyoung-Joon Joun, 2002

The History and Logic of the National Foundation Myths of East Asia, written by Hyoun-Sul Jo, 2003

A Study on the Historical Prototype of the Intervention of the USA and the Korea-USA Relationship in the Early 20th Century, written by Gi-Joung Kim, 2003


Seonam Foundation

Seonam Scholarship Foundation was established in 1987 as a dying wish of the founder of Dong-yang Group, Seonam Yang-Goo Yi. It changed its name to Seonam Foundation in 1989. The foundation supports scholarship works, East Asia studies and culture related business.

Industrialization and Democratization of East Asia, written by Gwang-Young Shin , 1999

The book criticizes the false image of the mythical ideas on the fluctuation of Asian societies and reveals the truth in them. The real substance of the myths can be found by a comparative history research based on sociological facts, and only then the readers will be able to look at the Korean history with an objective view.

Buddhist Ceremony of the Middle Ages Korea: Philosophical Background and the Historical Meaning, written by Jong-Myung Kim , 2001

The book analyzes ideological background, educational aspect and historical meaning of Buddhist ceremony from Koryo’s dualistic ― divided into Buddhist and Confucian ― national ceremonies. It closely examines the origin and meaning of Buddhist ceremonies, formality of the ceremony, social importance, process of the ceremony, ideological background and historical meaning of the main Buddhist ceremonies, which were backed up by the royal court.

The Myths of Japan, written by Hwa-Kyung Kim , 2002

A study on the myths of Japan gives a chance to grasp the original form of the Japanese soul and their fundamental culture. It also sheds light on the formation of Japanese culture. The author tries to overcome the limitations of the materials of the Korean mythology using the result of his study on Japanese mythology as the basis.