What is literature? How does it correspond to society and history? How did Korean literature unfold in time? Hyoun Kim’s theoretical research at its best.
A short biography of Hyoun Kim (1942-1990)
Graduated from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Seoul National University, studied at the College of Strasbourg in France, taught French at Seoul National University until he died. He left major works on French literature such as “The History French Criticism”, “A Study on Geneva School” and “Sicilian Cow”.
Since 1962, he became an active literary critic. His criticism starting from “Imagination and Human” and “Society and Ethics” to “A Scene of Words” and “Happy Reading” gave more width and depth to Korean literature.
His works were summed up in 16 volumes in the Complete Works of Hyoun Kim. He won the “Modern Literature Award”(1980) and “Palbong Criticism Award” (1989).
The List of Complete Works Series
The Position of Korean Literature/ Literary Sociology, 1991
Theories on Modern Korean Literature/ Society and Ethics, 1991
Imagination and Human/ Searching for the Poet, 1991
Literature and Utopia, 1992
The Agony of Reading/ The Living Poetries, 1992
Imaginative Worlds’ of the Young Poets/ Landscape of Words, 1992
Analysis and Interpretation/ Visible Abyss and the Invisible History Prospect, 1992
The History of French Criticism(Modern/ Present), 1991
Poetics of Happiness/ The Dream of Jae-gang, 1991
The Structure of Violence/ The Sicilian Cow, 1992
The Aspect of Modern Criticism, 1991
Existence and Language/ Searching for Modern French Literature, 1992
Hyoun Kim Art Travel Journal/ A Traveler Passing Halfway Up the Peak, 1993
Literature of Our Times/ Thick Life and Thin Life, 1993
Happy Reading/ Collection of Short Reviews on Literature, 1993
Reference, 1993