Complete Collections of Poetry of Dong-Gyu Hwang Ⅰ/Ⅱ, written by Dong-Gyu Hwang , 1998
Ranging from the thirst for life, the endless doubt for life, the despair, the fight against it to the man facing death, his poetry world is vast and deep.
A short biography:
Dong-Gyu Hwang was born in Seoul in 1938. He received his Bachelor’s and Masters degrees from Seoul National University majoring in English Literature. He continued his education and taught at the College of Edinburgh in England, the University of Iowa and the College of New York in the U.S. He published 10 collections of poetries including “I Want to Roll a Wheel When I See One” and “Alien”, and a few essays including “The Root of Love”.
He has won a variety of literature awards such as the “Modern Culture Award”, the “Yisan Literature Award” and the “Daesan Literature Award”. Published “Sometimes I Lean on Fortuity” with his latest poems in 2003, and retired after 30 years of teaching as a professor of English Literature at Seoul National University.
The list of the collection
- Volume I: A Clear Day(1961), Elegy(1965), The Song of Peace(1968), Youlha Journal(1972), I Want to Roll a Wheel When I See One(1978), Beware of the Alligator?(1986)
- Volume II: Going to Molun-dae(1991), Big Wind in Misi-ryoung(1993), Aerial Sepulture(1995), Alien(1997)
Complete Collections of Poetry of Hyun-Jong Jung Ⅰ/Ⅱ, written by Hyun-Jong Jung , 1999
The end of a chapter of Hyun-Jong Jung’s poetic world, the poet of Eros and life. The collection examines the coordinates of modern Korean poetry. Readers can take a glimpse on the possibilities of the Hyoun-Jong Joung’s Literature.
A short biography:
Hyun-Jong Jung was born in Seoul, 1939. He graduated from the department of Philosophy at Yonsei University and became a journalist for the culture section of a newspaper.
First appearing in poetry circles in 1965 through “Modern Literature”, he wrote “I Am the Star’s Uncle” and “Like a Ball Bouncing Up After Falling Down”, also published “Let’s Fly, Sad Soul”, “Breath and Dream” and “Ecstasy of Life” which include unique poetry theories and excellent essays. Adept at translating poetry, he translated collections of poetries of Yeats, Neruda and Lorca. And he won the “Korean Literature Writers Award”, the “Youn-am Literature Award”, the “Modern Literature Award”, the “Yisan Literature Award” and the “Daesan Literature Award”.
The list of the collection
- Volume I: Festival of Pain(1984), I Am the Star’s Uncle(1978), Like a Ball Bouncing Up After Falling Down(1984) There Is Not Much Time for Love(1989)
- Volume II: A Blossom(1992), Trees of the World(1995), The Thirst and the Spring Water at the Same Time(1999)
Complete Collections of Poetry of Gyu-Won Oh Ⅰ/Ⅱ, written by Kyu-Won Oh , 2002
The complete collection of poetries of the poet searching for the essence of language. Celebrating his 61st birthday, the collection is the product of the author’s will and effort of continuous experiment on poetry. It’s joyful for us to read his work. Kyu-Won Oh is an unstoppable poet.
A short biography:
Kyu-won Oh was born in 1941 and graduated from the College of Law at Dong-a University. He made his entrance to the poetry circle in 1968 through “Modern Literature”.
He has published collections of poetries such as “To a Boy Who Is Not a Prince” and “I Want to Get Some Attention Sometimes” and “A leaf of Woman”. He won the “Modern Literature Award” and the “Youn-am Literature Award”. Such essays on poetry as “Reality and Self-restraint” and “Language and Life” and “Modern Poetry Writing” have been published.
The list of the collection:
- Volume I: A Clear Case(1971), Pilgrimage(1973), To a Boy Who Is Not a Prince(1978), Lyrical Poetry on this Land(1981), I Want to Get Some Attention Sometimes(1987)
- Volume II: Prison of Love(1991), Road, Alley, Hotel and the Sound of the River(1995), Tomato is Red, No it’s Sweet(1999), The Car in a Tree(1995, Nursery Rimes)
Complete Collections of Poetry of Jong-Gi Ma, written by Jong-Gi Ma , 1999
Covering from the first collection “The Quiet Return in Triumph” to “The Eye of Dew”, and an additional 17 new poems, readers can easily find secret pickings from the humble gaze of the poet and current events.
A short biography:
Jong-Gi Ma was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1939. He graduated from the Medical department of Yonsei University and got his Master’s at Seoul National University. After immigrating to the USA in 1966, he worked as a doctor in the department of radiology in Toledo, Ohio. He started out as a poet with the recommendation of “Modern Literature” in 1959 and has published collections of poetries such as “The Invisible Land of Love” and “The Eye of Dew”, a collaborative collection of poetries, “The Mean Number” Volume I and Volume II, and won the “Korea Literature Writers Award”, the “American-Continents Literature Award”, “Pyoun-oon Literature Award”, “Dongseo Literature Award”, and the “Yisan Literature Award”.
Complete Collections of Poetry of Hyung-Do Ki, written by Hyung-Do Ki , 2002
He received explosive attention and reviews after publishing the first and last collection of poetries “Black Leaf in the Mouth”. His works became a new trend in Korean literature. This is the complete collection of his poems, novels and essays with an inclusion of newly discovered poems. Readers will taste aesthetic values and the sense of period in his poems.
A short biography:
Hyung-Do Ki was born in Gyounggi-do in 1960 and graduated from the department of Politics & Diplomacy at Yonsei University. After joining Joongang Ilbo in 1984, he worked in the politics, culture and the editorial section. He won the “Donga Ilbo literary contest of Spring” with the poem, “Fog”. He gave many unique poems in “Black Leaf in the Mouth” and died at a much to young age in March of 1989.